Tel: +1.860.507.9292

139 Center St bldg 30 unit 1 bristol, ct 06010 usA

Futureswiss; spindles, NSK America, Finley, Cartridge Spindles


Live Tool Monitor

  • Learn: Sets the initial internal parameters for a good cutting cycle.
  • Help: Easy access to HELP screens that explain key features.
  • Setup: Disables I/O output to allow machine setup without Warning/Error output.
  • Run: Operator can check all cutting parameters over time. Tool cutting history.
  • Error: Output to Host machine indicating a tool has broken and is no longer cutting.
  • Warning: Output to Host machine indicating a tool has exceeding normal cutting range and will need sharpening or replacing.
  • Monitor up to 4 spindles independently.
  • Magnetic Panel mounting for easy no-drill installation.
  • Plug and play user friendly wiring and operation.
  • I/O jumper cable included.
  • USB ports for easy upgrade as features are added.
  • Easily set up for use on various model controllers. NSK iSpeed3, iSpeed5, HES, E2000, E3000. E4000. Jager/BMR.

Tool/Cutter Condition Monitor for High-Speed Spindles 

7700 Series Live Tool Monitor (LTM)

Detects when a Tool has Broken
Monitors  tool wear and performance 

During the initial Learn sequence the LTM automatically sets its own internal parameters that allow it to monitor the specific cutting patterns for the part being made.

Operator has access to Re-Learn monitoring parameters when installing a new Tool/Cutter.

Setup/Operator has access to and can set the limits of the Worn Tool/Cutter warning signal.

The LTM does not alter the function or I/O of the Spindle Controller.

When a Broken Tool is detected, an (RED Error signal is sent to the I/O of the Host machine.  Host machine can stop the part cycle. And signal the Operator to change the broken tool.When a Warn Tool condition limit is met, an (ORANGE) Warning signal is sent to the Host machine. Allowing the Host machine to signal the Operator to replace the tool.Type your paragraph here.