Tel: +1.860.507.9292

139 Center St bldg 30 unit 1 bristol, ct 06010 usA

Futureswiss; spindles, NSK America, Finley, Cartridge Spindles

Futureswiss International was founded in 1989 by Al Smith & Larry Rode due to a need for higher productivity in the Screw machine industry.

Futureswiss products are focused on eliminating or minimizing secondary operations through the creative use of Live spindles.

Our expertise is in integrating Live Spindles from various suppliers such as NSK America Corp., Finley Enterprises, Sycotec, Jager, Dynomax and Custom Futureswiss Servo drive spindles into a customer's production CNC or Cam machine.

Our product line began with a patent for a stop spindle retrofit and a second patent for a C-axis retrofit on cam operated Swiss screw machines. With these new products on the market, cross-drilling and milling attachments became necessary and forms the core of the present Futureswiss product line.

Our Story