Tel: +1.860.507.9292

139 Center St bldg 30 unit 1 bristol, ct 06010 usA

Futureswiss; spindles, NSK America, Finley, Cartridge Spindles

Remote Mast has had a long history of quality motorized stands. As of June 1st 2023 Futureswiss now proudly manufactures these stands right at our facility in Thomaston, CT. 

We offer a variety of control options including RF, Bluetooth and Wired. 

Checkout our website for more information. 

We are now proud to manufacture Remote Mast - Motorized Microphone Stands 

Rotary Coupling

We are  focused on increasing your productivity through use of live tools integrated in CNC Swiss, lathes, and milling Operations.

Our expertise is in integrating Live Spindles from various suppliers such as NSK America Corp., Finley Precision, Sycotec, Jager, and Custom Futureswiss Servo drive spindles into a customer's production CNC or Cam machine.

All of our products are designed for long life and a wide range of functionality. A wide variety of Futureswiss products are presently being used by many Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM’s) for custom designed machines or as live tooling for tasks that eliminate many secondary operations.

Reach out to us today to see what solution we can provide for your specific needs. 


Motorized Mic Stand, mic stand, powered mic stand, remote controlled mic stand, remote mic stand
Finley Precision Spindles; Finley Spindles
Feed Tubes; push rods; rotary tips
Rotary Turret; Rotary coupling

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Welcome to Futureswiss International

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Futureswiss has been a distributor for NSK America Products for over 25 years.

NSK specializes in high precision spindles as well as a variety of hand working tools.

here at Futureswiss we offers multiple kinds of integration options for your NSK products. 

With our Rotary Coupling you can mount electric spindles to any CNC turret without tangling the lines. 

NSK America
Motorized Mic Stand, mic stand, powered mic stand, remote controlled mic stand, remote mic stand
Live Tool Monitor; NSK America; Spindle Monitoring; Tool Monitoring; Tool Life Monitoring
Finley Spindles; cartridge spindles; tool change spindle, high speed spindle, air motor spindles, servo spindles, belt driven spindles; air motors; Finley Precision Spindles
Servo motor; servo system; dual spindle; electric spindles; HMI servo; Finley Spindles

Futureswiss International is happy to announce that we are now the sole manufacturer of Finley Precision Spindles.

At Futureswiss, we are proud to offer these durable, high quality, precision spindles, along with first-class service produced right here in the United States.

NSK America
Gravity Style Bar Feeder